It's like Bridget Jones' Diary, but with a super-powered vigilante.

October 28, 2004

I want bugs

You know what I want? Bugs. As in: surveillance gear, listening devices.

Recent events have led me to believe that in order to function more effectively as a Scourge of Evil I need to improve my intelligence gathering methods. I don't have any informers like Huggy Bear, so I think I should start with bugs. Oooh, and GPS tracking devices, maybe in the shape of the VM logo. You know, like Spider-Man's tracer things. That would be cool.

Maybe My Guy can hook me up with some of those KOMA bugs, like the one I found the ninja planting in the InterBionics building (see post The KOMA probe, 10/1). I send him an email via the usual encrypted process asking for a "surveillance starter kit." I should also order some more Marauderangs from him.

1 comment:

K.Fox, Jr. said...

Smart man!!! I applaud you. Now you can get some contacts and have your own underground spy-network. That would be awesome.